Thursday, January 21, 2010

Your Ex is my Best friend now .

Its look a bit awkward here.
semalam ada sedikit perbualan between me and his ex.
At first aku mcm nak ignore dia but she's a nice girl banyak kali tegur and suka bercerita.:)
Dari segi cerita dan perbualan aku rasa tak ada apa-apa yang nak dirisau.
Sekaligus buat semua rasa jealous tu hilang perlahan-lahan.
Im trying to be a positive person.
Dia pon dah ada bf,so TAK MUNGKIN la nak makan belakang balik
Yang penting,semalam dia asyik cerita pasal boyfriend dia buat masa ni
then aku yang plak yang xcited dengar.haha

Five things:

1) Be open with my bf. Find out what happened between him and his ex, but be prepared for the truth and to explain why you’re asking.

2) Trust him.Benda paling susah.But i have to.Aku mmg jenis susah nak trust orang,
but i will keep trying.

3)What past is past.Berfikiran lebih rasional.

4)Stop thinking too much!

5)Remember that your jealousy could kill you back.

Hope this helps! Wish me luck.

p/s:Tapi semua ada bataslah coz expectation wont always match reality kan?hehehe.